Spiritual Schmuck: Exploring the Extraordinary with Te’ Devan

Key Takeaways:

  • Trust your intuition and embrace the concept of "knowing without knowing" to navigate life's uncertainties.

  • Cultivate a practice of going inward and connecting with your breath to find clarity and guidance.

  • Be open to the possibility of encountering miraculous phenomena and spiritual experiences in different cultures and religions.


In the world of spirituality and mysticism, there are countless stories of extraordinary experiences and phenomena that challenge our understanding of reality. These stories often remain hidden or dismissed by mainstream society, but they continue to exist and impact the lives of those who encounter them. In the YouTube series "Spiritual Schmuck," host Te'DeVan Kriyavan embarks on a journey to explore these hidden realms and share the stories of individuals who possess unique gifts and abilities. Through humor and curiosity, Te'DeVan seeks to shed light on the extraordinary and challenge our preconceived notions of what is possible.

The Power of Trust and Intuition

One of the key lessons that Te'DeVan has learned throughout his spiritual journey is the importance of trust and intuition. He shares the concept of "knowing without knowing," which involves trusting your inner guidance even when you don't have all the answers. This can be challenging in a world that values rational thinking and conformity, but it is essential for personal growth and spiritual development. By cultivating a practice of going inward and connecting with your breath, you can tap into your intuition and find clarity in difficult situations.

Te'DeVan also emphasizes the importance of letting go of limiting beliefs and embracing the unknown. Often, our minds create stories and limitations that prevent us from fully experiencing the magic and wonder of life. By surrendering to the flow of life and trusting in the process, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and opportunities for growth.

Te'DeVan shares, "In a world that often dismisses the extraordinary and limits our perception of reality, it is important to remain open to the unknown and embrace the mysteries of life. Through trust, intuition, and a willingness to explore different cultures and spiritual practices, we can expand our understanding and experience the magic that exists beyond our everyday perception."

Exploring Miraculous Phenomena

Throughout his journey, Te'DeVan has encountered individuals who possess extraordinary abilities and have experienced miraculous healings. These experiences challenge our understanding of reality and invite us to explore the deeper mysteries of life. While some may dismiss these phenomena as mere illusions or scams, Te'DeVan encourages us to approach them with an open mind and curiosity.

One such example is the story of Jorge Goliad, a healer who uses a machete to perform surgeries and heal people. While this may sound bizarre and even dangerous, Te'DeVan was intrigued by the testimonials of individuals who claimed to have been healed by Jorge. He embarked on a journey to meet Jorge and document his work, sharing the stories of those who have experienced his healing touch.

Te'DeVan explains, "These encounters have deepened my understanding of spirituality and expanded my awareness of what is possible. They serve as a reminder that there is much more to life than meets the eye, and by embracing the extraordinary, we can tap into our own innate power and potential."

The Guru-Disciple Relationship

Te'DeVan also explores the concept of the guru-disciple relationship, which is often misunderstood or dismissed in Western culture. He emphasizes that a true guru is someone who guides you to recognize the divinity within yourself. They do not seek personal gain or control over their disciples but rather help them evolve and grow spiritually.

While the idea of a guru may be unfamiliar or even uncomfortable for some, Te'DeVan encourages us to approach it with an open mind. He shares his own experiences of meeting spiritual masters and the profound impact they have had on his life. These encounters have deepened his understanding of spirituality and expanded his awareness of what is possible.

Te'DeVan reflects, "In a world that often dismisses the extraordinary and limits our perception of reality, it is important to remain open to the unknown and embrace the mysteries of life. Through trust, intuition, and a willingness to explore different cultures and spiritual practices, we can expand our understanding and experience the magic that exists beyond our everyday perception."


In a world that often dismisses the extraordinary and limits our perception of reality, it is important to remain open to the unknown and embrace the mysteries of life. Through trust, intuition, and a willingness to explore different cultures and spiritual practices, we can expand our understanding and experience the magic that exists beyond our everyday perception. The "Spiritual Schmuck" series serves as a reminder that there is much more to life than meets the eye, and by embracing the extraordinary, we can tap into our own innate power and potential.

Te'DeVan concludes, "I just want to share. And for those that are interested, you know, they can check it out. We're trying to say, okay, you're legit. Okay. We're trying to kind of poke and prod a little bit to make sure that we found the real McCoy. Where other people don't even know if it exists or definitely have convinced themselves, no, that's not real. That can exist. You know?"

In a world that often dismisses the extraordinary and limits our perception of reality, it is important to remain open to the unknown and embrace the mysteries of life. Through trust, intuition, and a willingness to explore different cultures and spiritual practices, we can expand our understanding and experience the magic that exists beyond our everyday perception. The "Spiritual Schmuck" series serves as a reminder that there is much more to life than meets the eye, and by embracing the extraordinary, we can tap into our own innate power and potential.


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